Sunday, March 8, 2009

Go ahead and burn it down.

Pretty good Spring Break so far...well kinda. Friday went to Zacks house with Taylor, Sarah, and Zak. Sat in the hot tub for like 3 hours,i don't think thats good for you... Saturday went to Zacks house once again with Zak and Taylor and when we were in Zacks room his mom came in and started crying, and we were all whats wrong? And she was all, well you know Chris? Well he just killed himself.... Everyone started crying. That was the second teen suicide in 2009. Wow....

It was pretty emotional, so we decided to go bowling. Everyones scores were in the 100s and my score? Yeah it was 26. I suck at bowling. Thats no surprise though, I've always sucked. 

My room is almost done, just have to paint some spots black that we missed and vaccume, and i think clean my floor. Im just excited to get it done, im tired of just sleeping on a mattress. Now i can hang up all my stuff that i got, once again im excited ha. 

Depressing week...I hope it gets better. But the good thing is that the guy i like moved in next door. ;] Mmhmm haha. Wow, im lame. 

Im bored, so if anyone wants to talk


"Its just a lyrical lie made up in my mind."

1 comment:

  1. err... suicide..huh?

    and no, 3 hours i the tub isnt that good, if that.
