Sunday, February 15, 2009

You can blame your problems on my world for so long.

Today was kinda disappointing. I woke up and I was super sick so there for i couldn't do anything but thats alright, what can beat a nice relaxing day at home? But the thing is that i had to run up and down my stairs about 25 times today cause my mom now can't walk because she broke her ankle in three places and our house has bunches of stairs so she can't go up and down them.
And then i found out something really disappointing, i can't believe he would do something like that, and the day after Valentines day? wow...but whatever.

Anyways so today while I was sick layed in bed with my fluffy kitty-cat :D and read one of my books, watched tv, and redid my myspace profile. I guess Im a nerd, but Im fine with it. haha. But if you get a chance read the book Crank. Its like so sad, i finished it today so i wanna go to the book store tomorrow and get the other ones cause its kinda addicting to read it. 

No school tomorrow,  im pretty excited. I am going to do completely nothing. And hopefully im not sick again. That wouldn't be too fun, but Secret Life is on tomorrow and its a new one. Im in love with that show, its just so sad but once you watch it once you keep watching it, once again addicting. :D

Okay and my random song of the day:

Take My Hand- The Cab


  1. I love Secret Life,
    but I haven't seen the past 2 episodes.
    -I guess tomorrow will be catch-up day for me...


  2. Ohh, the last two were intense lol.
